Monday, 9 January 2012

British Mountain Guides Open Day 2012

Here's an open invitation sent out by the British Mountain Guides: should be a good day!

The British Association of Mountain Guides, BMG, is to hold an Open Day at Plas y Brenin, Capel Curig North Wales on Saturday 19th May 2012.

This day is aimed at promoting the mountain guiding profession as a career and explaining the BMG training scheme.
It is open to alpinists who would like to find out more about mountain guiding as a career.
This is a great opportunity not only to meet the BMG Training officer and the guides involved in the training scheme, but also to get to know BMG guides who can assist you on your road to becoming an IFMGA guide.

The BMG was formed in 1975 and is a full member of the International Federation of Mountain Guides Association (IFMGA) representing twenty two countries in all. The IFMGA sets the standards for training of guides worldwide and the IFMGA badge worn by guides has become the assurance of the highest professional and technical standards.
Guides working in the European Alps are legally obliged to become a member of the IFMGA. The completion of the BMG training scheme entitles a guide to become a member of the IFMGA.

The life of a mountain guide can be very demanding and it is important from the outset that we attract the right calibre of climbers and mountaineers who would like to join the BMG and become a member of the International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations (IFMGA).

All participants for this open day must have extensive British and Alpine climbing and mountaineering experience and have a genuine interest in guiding as a career.  This day should be of particular interest to experienced alpinists and MIC holders who have alpine experience.
The pre requirements for joining the BMG training scheme are that you should have completed approximately 50 routes of E1/5b, a similar amount of British Winter routes at Grade IV/V. You should also have completed about 20 alpine routes of which 10 must be TD and 5 of these 10 should be serious and committing routes of a mixed nature at least 800m in length. Experience in the greater ranges is also accepted. You should also have logged about 30 days ski touring. Please consult the BMG website ( for a complete list of entry requirements.
Do not worry if you haven’t yet achieved this level of experience as part of the open day is to give you advice on how best to attain these pre requisites. You should however expect to be able to meet these pre requirements within the next 5 years. If in doubt send in an application and we will advise you.

Programme (subject to change):
Saturday 19th May 2012
9.15 Assemble in main lecture theatre at PyB
9.30 Introduction and Outline for the Day
9.45 The BMG Training and Assessment Scheme, presentation by Terry Ralphs (BMG training officer) and course convenors.
10.45 How to meet the pre-requirements talk by Andy Teasdale
11.15 Break Tea and Coffee
11.45 Questions
12.00 Lunch (provided by BMG)
13.00 Outdoor practical sessions. A chance to climb with experienced BMG Guides, discuss the training scheme and any guiding/instruction techniques. Crag Venue tba, depending on conditions.
18.45 Informal drink at PyB bar
20.00 Lecture:- “The life of a Mountain Guide” Open to public

Sunday is a day, where by, you might like to stay in North Wales and climb with the other participants.
This is a great chance to form new friendships and potentially an exciting step into a new career.

As it is important to get some idea of numbers for this event, and a clear idea of your ability, please use the application form which can be downloaded from the BMG website     
or by contacting the BMG office: BMG, Siabod Cottage, Capel Curig LL24 0ES. Email:
Tel 01690 720386, Fax 01690 720248

There is a small charge of £30 to cover lunch and all presentations / activities on this day. This should be paid when you send in your booking form. Please pay by cheque payable to “British Mountain Guides”

Application forms must be submitted by email or post before the 1st May 2012. You will then be contacted with further information before the 10th May. If you need further information please contact the BMG office

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